What is a good click through rate for SMS marketing?

TextAnywhere recommends tracking the hyperlinks within your SMS marketing campaigns with an analytics package, such as Google Analytics, to be able to analyse the results and performance of each campaign.

Research shows that SMS marketing has the highest click through rate (CTR) of hyperlinks (6.16%), compared to email marketing (2.80%), search advertising (1.98%) and social media advertising (0.05%)*. However as with any marketing activity, the baseline for what is considered successful is a CTR that generates sufficient sales, conversions or leads (or whatever is important for you to achieve with your campaign) to make a “profit” from your SMS marketing campaign.

There are no hard and fast rules as to what makes a successful CTR. Quite simply, a successful CTR will depend mainly on the targets and objectives set by the individual business. Each organisation will have their own requirements.

You may be happy to have a single click resulting in a single sale, as that sale may well cover your costs and match your SMS marketing campaign expectations. Other clients may require a CTR of in excess of 1% to generate sufficient leads that would lead to an appropriate amount of new business being subsequently generated.

It’s all very personal to your organisation and your SMS campaign objectives.

For more information on tracking the success of your SMS marketing campaigns, you can read our Measurable SMS Marketing Guide.

If you would like to find out more information about TextAnywhere’s solutions please call our Customer Service team on 08451 221 302.

*Source: tatango.com / signal.com

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